Diamond blade
DIAMETER: &o/;115mm
BORE: &O/;22.23mmmm
MAX RPM: 13,300
USE: Reinforced concrete
What is a diamond blade?
A diamond blade is composed of a circular steel core and the diamond
impregnated segments. The segments are seperated by slots in the core.
These ..
Diamond blade
DIAMETER: &o/;115mm
BORE: &O/;22.23mmmm
MAX RPM: 13,300
USE: Multi-materials
What is a diamond blade?
A diamond blade is composed of a circular steel core and the diamond
impregnated segments. The segments are seperated by slots in the core.
Segmented diamond blade
Diameter: &o/;115mm
Bore: &o/;22.23mm
Max rpm: 13,300 rpm
Use: Concrete, brick, paving & building materials
The segmented diamond blade is also known as a dry cut blade and is mostly
used on dry cutting applications. Air flow cools the b....
Diamond blade
DIAMETER: &o/;115mm
BORE: &O/;22.23mmmm
MAX RPM: 13,600
USE: Brick, concrete, cement block, granite, fiber cement,
tile, stucco, stone and masonry materials. Best results on concrete.
What is a diamond blade?
A diamond blade is composed of a circular ste..
Segmented Diamond Blade
Diameter: &O/;115mm
Arbor: &O/;22.23mm
Body Thickness: 1.0mm
The segmented diamond blade is also known as a dry cut blade and is mostly used on dry cutting applications. Air
flow cools the blade by making use of segments and cut-outs (gullet..
Segmented diamond blades
Diameter: &o/;230mm + &o/;115mm
Bore: &o/;22.23mm
Max rpm: 6,600 rpm for &o/;230mm, 13,300 rpm for &o/;115mm
Use: Concrete, brick, paving & building materials
The segmented diamond blade is also known as a dry cut blade and is mostly
used o....
Segmented diamond blade
Diameter: &o/;230mm
Bore: &o/;22.23mm
Max rpm: 6,600 rpm
Use: Concrete, brick, paving & building materials
The segmented diamond blade is also known as a dry cut blade and is mostly
used on dry cutting applications. Air flow cools the bla....